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Trump 2024: The Art Of The Comeback ...

He's Back! President Trump announced on November 15, 2022, at his home in Mar-a-Lago, that he will be seeking his 3rd bid for the presidency of the United States of America. This monumental announcement comes hours after President Biden congratulated Xi Jinping at the G20 summit for his next term as President; The pushing of NATO article 4 from Poland's President after a missile hit their territory, killing two Polish citizens, which put us on the verge of WW3. The RNC leadership has wholly failed, adapting the Trump strategy to their base, which shows their poor performance in the midterm; however, they won the House back thanks to a Trump-backed candidate. Many pundits said it was too early for this announcement, but if you ask me, it was the perfect day for a comeback.

The American people are on the verge of giving up all hope; this last midterm should have been a red tsunami. Everything was perfectly in line with the association's analysis of voter registration by the Associated Press, which shows that over 1 million voters joined the Republican Party across 43 states within the last year. Pew Research Center polling shows that Americans' main concerns are crime, the economy, and housing. Historic fundraising numbers for the Republican party, but unfortunately, we are still left with dinosaur RNC RINO leadership that will never benefit the Republican Party and will let their ego's in the way instead of focusing on helping the American people. They're too moronic to adopt the perfect formula that Trump implemented upon himself in 2016—not saying to play his book by the T because Trump can only do some plays. But take some endeavors, give them a reface and provide recognition to the DON, which so many elected Republican need to do.

Trump took the stage with a massive, diverse crowd poised and on message. Addressing the American people with the following:

"We're gonna bring people together. We're gonna unify people."

"This will not be my campaign; this will be our campaign, all together."

"I will ensure Joe Biden does not receive four more years of Joe Biden."

"Unlike other presidents, I kept my promises."

Yet this line genuinely opened the doors and rejuvenated the core message that we fell in love with back in 2016 "We will dismantle the deep state and return government to the people." This time, you can believe every word he said; this man has been targeted by all government formats and failed. Both left and right of the aisle tackled this man, and for not questioning what was wrong with them, we kept saying what was wrong with him. If there's one thing we should've all learned in physics, two negatives do not make a positive. He continued to back up his claim by promoting nationalized voter ID laws, which will be crucial alongside paper ballots that will end the touchpad dominion and give us election day on election day.

Promoting term limits for all people within Congress, Senate, and a permanent ban to anyone who held a position office in lobbying at the capital. It seems like this struck a chore to one of the swamp monsters:

This is overdue, but it felt refreshing because you believe he can do it. That's what he has proved within those four years in office. Not only can he shake up the world, but he can also get stuff done peacefully and with zero war. Remember how America was just over two years ago; your business was thriving! Jobs bonuses! The Cheap gas! The unemployment rate is at the lowest record in history. How don't you want to see a glorious comeback of that?

Trump even came across as respectfully owning the vaccine movement by announcing that every member of the military who was kicked out over the vaccine would be restored with full back pay, alongside teachers, nurses, and anyone else who lost their job due to the vaccine mandate.

My good friend Jack Posobiec said it best in a tweet:

Well, Jack, the man, has been a populist at his core since the early 80s, rescuing his hometown of New York City from the profound democratic control and helping to rebuild it with a remarkable mayor named Rudy Giuliani. He is known as a top philanthropist who will go to every hotel he owns, speak to the staff, and give them an extra income tip. He understands hard work and how to be at the bottom and work back to the top. Seriously the man has been bankrupt multiple times and still manages to be worth billions; that's all impressive. The man has called out the presidents, governors, senators, congress members, Republicans, and Democrats. He didn't give a damn. His attitude is deeply missed, and provide that it doesn't put us on the verge of WW3, unlike our current president today.

So what do we take from this announcement? Where do we go from here? First, let us begin challenging GOP leadership. If anything, let's start taking out the trash with Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Ronna McDaniel because it's utterly embarrassing that Trump as a private citizen, spent more money helping candidates out, such as Blake masters from Arizona. Yet, Mitch "Le Bitch" was worried about the fresh blood that we needed in our capital and spent a total of $0. He is not the only one Joe Kent from Washington is another promising figure to the Trump comeback message that would have easily won with more support from RNC leadership. Yet establishment scumbags are focused on taking care of con-artist consultants and staff who don't understand the momentum we are in. So when you think Trump 2024? Think of Trump 2024: Time To Take Out The RNC Trash.

They're not the only ones we should point fingers at; we should also point fingers at ourselves. We need to be united more than ever; enough of the nonsense of wanting to dominate people going at each other. When you know damn well, it will only kill us. Remember, the people you are currently cheering for would have been nobodies if it wasn't for someone like Trump to take the hits for us. Yes, I am talking to you, DeSantis, and Youngkin fans. Our grassroots campaign needs to be stronger than ever. If the mail-in ballot is still a go, well, god damn it, let us create our mail-in ballot operations focus on electing Trump's Comeback.

Let us be more competent and fight fire with fire against the Democrats because we have a country to save; hell, at this rate, we have a world too. In 14 months after Trump's announcement, we will start with the Iowa caucus, where they will know that "Make America Great Again" is not a phrase. It's the American spirit. Trump's Comeback is about restoring the American Dream from the abyss of Democrat policy and allowing Americans to flourish not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character and willingness to work hard, raise a family, and trust god. Not Their Government. Trump's Comeback should be a beacon of hope for other countries currently dealing with corrupt governments. Countries such as France, Canada, Ukraine, and now Brazil. To the other nations fighting back, Trump's Comeback is fighting with you too. We're fighting to end globalist policies; enough with this pandemic and move forward to the future and not dwindle on the fantasies of global warming. Trump's Comeback is Trump 2016 but wiser.

The Mastermind, Steve Bannon, said it best "OG Trump is back."

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