On July 4th, Riaan Swieglaar, the Co Founder of The Satanic Movement in South Africa, took to social media revealing the story of an incredible revelation which he experienced. Swieglaar revealed to viewers on a livestream and now millions, that he had a vision of Christ after performing a satanic ritual. Since then, Swieglaar has resigned from the SASA and devoted his life to Jesus.
In recent interviews, Swieglaar stated that what had driven him to these parties in the first place was an across the board feeling of brokenness and hopelessness from those who attended the satanic church.
Identifying as gay his whole life, Swieglaar felt judged and outcasted by christians. It was not until he had his encounter with Christ that he realized that true Christ-like love is unconditional and never judges, shuns, or is exclusive. Christ-like love is the most inclusive kind there is.
Swieglaar stated that he was planning on making a quiet switch of religions, but felt called to announce this change in his life, with hopes that he can free more people from the false and dangerous practices of satanism and bring them to Christ, where they can have the opportunity to feel whole and healed.
There has been some controversy in the comment sections of this viral video; some are enthusiastic that an individual has devoted their life to God, others are weary of false Gods and are concerned that Swieglaar may be led and is leading others astray.
While nobody can confirm what Swieglaar saw and felt except himself, it shows the crucial point that God is revealing himself to all people all across the world and proves that while evil is rising, so is christianity.